Friday, September 26, 2008

Im back

So yes its been like four months since i've had a new post and im sure no one even looks at my blog any more ! But here are two little movies that brady made of the boys. Its fun when i come home from doing hair i get to watch the movies theve made.


Danielle said...

I've been waiting for some updates! How about a photo now of you and your cute belly? I have your birthday present (I've had it since your bday) I htink I'll just give it to you when you come next weekend, can't wait to see you!

kim said...

Yeah Michelle! I was so glad when my Reader showed that you had updated your blog. Now I am just waiting to hear what gender your baby is. Those videos were SOOO cute and I was laughing all the way through. How creative and what adorable little guys you have!